Where are you on your Ayurveda journey? A Tri-Dosha customer who’s benefitted from our products? Someone who’s experienced our work in mindfulness? Maybe you were gifted a massage session with one of the people who’ve trained with us.

This work became the focus of my life in 2005 when my previous life wasn’t working any more. It brought balance and perspective, and a sense of being part of something greater that was new to me. At its heart, Ayurveda is about connection to living systems, and that organic appreciation of life is so much more rewarding than one based on spreadsheets and timetables, and makes it easier to accept those are part of the way we live at this point.

It’s a good time to consider taking your interest in what Tri-Dosha does further. An informed understanding of Ayurveda will benefit others in your life too, and through their responses you’ll have the opportunity to gain further insights into this rich and fertile system. Through the lens that this ancient system provides, I appreciate the world in new ways pretty much daily, connecting observations about season, food, emotions, work, family, and more.

Training with Tri-Dosha will allow you to be part of a countrywide team of people active in their areas and communities and providing hope and healing at a time it matters more than ever. In doing so, you’ll get to earn an extra income – an added string to your bow is always handy…living in Nottingham I’m happy to borrow a metaphor that nods to Robin Hood’s ethical and sustainable ethos.

With the ability to assess people in terms of their Ayurvedic type – dosha – you’ll perceive how the problems they’re talking about are created and maintained. Learn to maintain your own light, and you can discover how to do it for others. Whether you support them on a formal basis as clients, or conversationally where that’s more appropriate, you’ll be able to turn your inclination to help into a skill of real value. Make your best decision today now, and get in touch with Tri-Dosha.

Until next time … Namaste


Founder Tri-Dosha