Conversations are an unrecognised food group, as vital as proteins for nurturing mind and heart. They’re an important part of how I learn and grow. Talking with people on radio is part of what I do. As well as the BBC shows I’ve done, I have been loving the opportunity for enriching conversations with interesting people in podcast form.
My show is called Heal & Shift. Recently I’ve recorded some more episodes that you might like, and which some of your friends may also resonate with. My conversation with the fascinating humanitarian and founder of New Earth, a network of conscious communities, Sacha Stone is an eye-opener, and I suspect he enjoyed questions that allowed him to open up. Sacha has some very big ideas that are well worth your attention.
Nick Williams (Inspired Leadership) is another recent guest who gave me plenty to ponder the shape of the future and the roles we can play in it. And pretty soon I’ll be putting up a chat with the amazing healer Magali Mazzei, who walked away from life with a controlling millionaire to seize the reins of her destiny. Her story is the stuff of Hollywood, but she’s about creating a much more interesting real world.
And then there is soul coach James Malins. A true spiritual healer – warrior – technician. And a delight to interview!
Once you’ve started listening to the episodes, you might not stop. And because conversations are calorie-free, I’d encourage you to keep going and spread the word of my podcasts. Happy listening!